The Last Dark Moon

They say, those who know such things, that that tomorrow will be the last Dark Moon visible from Earth.

Don’t ask how I know this information, just trust that my source is impeccable and beyond all doubting. No one would listen to me in any case, but I wanted to leave a record, not that there will be anyone ever to read it, but I will have said my piece.

That is important to me.

For several years now people have been preparing to flee Earth, making the necessary preparations to abandon the only place humans have every lived. They do this because Earth has become virtually uninhabitable. The air is foul, the water poisoned, the land denuded of trees. There are no birds to speak of or sing any more, and no longer any large, and few small, mammals on land or in the sea. I will not run the list, everyone knows. Everyone saw it coming and those who had the power to alter the outcome did nothing. They did nothing because it would risk their wealth and privilege. So death ruled and extinction became so common place that one more loss, by the end, was any longer mourned.

But, I mourned. I wept for the world as it was becoming. I grieve for the world that has become. And though I wanted to stop what was happening, I had no real power. I could stop buying this or that product, but it made no real difference. To the end I never stopped trying in my own little way.

I have a room in my home with photos of all those who are gone. For as long as someone remembers them, they still exist, at least in my heart. A heart so full of sadness, brimming over with memory of the lost ones.

In all of this, though, I could look up into the stars at night, especially when the power failed, which it did with increasing regularity as the fuels ran out and there were no more resources to strip from the body of Earth. I could look up and see the stars, watch the constellations wheel through the night sky in their dances of destiny and order. I could look up at the Moon and watch the phases, in and out, increase and diminishment.

The last phase of preparation before beginning the evacuation of Earth will be to throw on all the lights so people we know that they are heading; they will see the clusters of lights and be reassured. Of course only the wealthy and the young are being allowed to go. If one cannot pay for passage one can sign on in a renewed form of indentured servitude. Already the new phase of human endeavour begins with slavery, but they have a some fancy name for it that I don’t recall, and besides people have been used to other kinds of indebtedness for generations now to buy homes and to furnish them with stuff.

None of that really concerns me, what concerns me is what taking away the Dark Moon will do to people’s souls. Granted they will look back on a dark Earth, but it is not the same. Not the same at all. The Moon was for most of human existence a place of mystery, variously a god or goddess. The force of tides that for too long have brought our rubbish and death to the shores where people have not been near for years, for they became too toxic a long time ago.

The last time the New Moon will rest in the arms of the old, as I understand one long vanished native people called the Dark Moon. The New Moon will be forever tarnished, and I will have lived to see that night. Those who can leave will look up and celebrate. They will congratulate themselves on being fortunate enough to go there in the next few months. They will not understand that what they leave was once so beautiful and pristine, and even before they arrive, the Moon was littered with human debris.

We are a wasteful and wasting species. None of that will change as we go off to exploit other worlds. I can envisage a chain of ruined worlds over the next however many millennia. What a terrible legacy.

And tomorrow is the Last Dark Moon, forever. The power running the lights will be able to carry on even after humans embark for worlds farther away.

A very few people will still populate the Earth, but not for too many more generations. All the wealth and all the will to keep Earth viable is on its way, away.

And tomorrow is the Last Dark Moon, when all the stars will sing their song of glory one last time, for once the moon is lighted there will be no phases, it will always be light. No waxing. No waning. No deep mystery. No wonder. Only night as light as day. No night any longer either.

I imagine that any creatures left on Earth will die from lack of the basic patterns of their beings. No dark. No rest. No night. No repose. Even if artificially created dark is possible the energy of all that light will still insinuate itself through every conceivable space. There will be no escaping it.

I shall stay up the whole night, the last real night. The night of the Last Dark Moon.

Perhaps, if I am blessed my heart will burst from sadness and the lost ones can die in peace with me.

6 thoughts on “The Last Dark Moon

  1. You wrote, “but I wanted to leave a record, not that there will be anyone ever to read it, but I will have said my piece.”

    I read it.

    I have not given up the fight for Earth.
    I have not given up Hope.
    I can not.
    I WILL not.
    Elen will show us the Way.

    • I’ve not given up either, but it is a story that indicates what will happen if we do, if we can’t change things or choose not to, if we don’t follow those who can lead to a better way. I’m a TreeSister and wouldn’t be if I didn’t think it possible to ameliorate the damage being done by the selfish and greedy, the numb, or those who chose to remain ignorant of the results of their actions. WE must continue to push our leaders, to protest, to raise the issues and to alter our own behaviour as an example. We need to fight and we need to hope. I am glad to hear that the story brought that response in you. If so it has done its job. Thank you for your words.

  2. Aurora,this story makes me deeply sad,and yet i understand it’s wisdom it imparts. May i ask a question? What is a TreeSister? I have not heard of this before,but every part of being is drawn to it for some reason?

    • From the website here is what they say on the vision/mission page:
      Our Vision

      We envision a world in which it is normal for everyone to protect and restore our planet.

      Our Mission

      To rapidly accelerate tropical reforestation by inspiring and channeling women’s nature-based feminine leadership into local and global action.

      Our Unique Approach

      We focus on the creation of resources and experiences that empower women to step into their feminine nature-based leadership, in support of humanity’s identity shift from a consumer species to a restorer species. Our approach is the balance of inner and outer, spiritual and practical, behavioural and ecological pathways towards that shift. This is a process of discovering how to engage, nourish, inspire and activate women into their unique gifts and generosity on behalf of themselves, each other and the forests that we love and need.

      It is worth a look around. I hope it speaks to your soul.

  3. This is a powerful piece. Whilst it’s just possible I could envisage leaving my locality I don’t think I could leave Britain less the Earth. In some ways when the others set off I’d possibly be thinking ‘good riddance to bad rubbish!’ The thoughts of humans landing on and taking their light pollution to the moon and to other planets troubles and I must admit slightly… disgusts me… the way we spoil one place then move on to another rather than taking care for what we’ve got. May we root into the Earth and honour her and all the living and dead she holds whilst we still can.

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