Remembering the Future

I was once told:
Remembering the past is easy,
it’s remembering the future
that’s difficult.

Those words have
haunted and challenged
me for many years now,
during which time
I have struggled
to come 
to terms with
the gift of triple vision – 
of seeing the now,
but always in the light
and in the shadow
of the then and the yet.

There is no
written guide 
passed down,
passed along, 
stumbling along as best
as possible
hoping this technique
is adequate, 
knowing that it is not.

How is it
that I arrive 
at these places
of semi-understanding,
out of my depth,
facing the breadth
of clear perception and
shaded sight,
like a giant maw
of uncertainty before me?

barely asked
as I move beyond
the mist held past
and toward
the fog shrouded future.

One thought on “Remembering the Future

  1. This is an awakening. I have never thought about triple-vision, in those terms, but it makes so much sense. Thank you Aurora, for putting an unique experience into a perspective in which I can relate. We are all seeking rather blindly for ‘adequate techniques’ to make sense of the Infinite. She can be elusive and profound at the same time. — AK

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